(7) 별첨: (2)의 획득한 데이터 원본
In [10]:import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests url='http://www.kopis.or.kr/openApi/restful/prfstsCate?service=63001978c862427a9a2681445a158193&stdate=20191201&eddate=20191231' ##KOPIS 공연예술 통합전산망 웹크롤링 ## 2019년 12월 기준 req=requests.get(url) html=req.text temp_soup=BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') print(temp_soup)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <prfsts> <prfst> <nmrs>70314</nmrs> <amount>990014230</amount> <amountshr>3.5</amountshr> <prfprocnt>147</prfprocnt> <cate>연극</cate> <prfdtcnt>1555</prfdtcnt> <nmrsshr>13.1</nmrsshr> </prfst> <prfst> <nmrs>183560</nmrs> <amount>8942664022</amount> <amountshr>31.6</amountshr> <prfprocnt>306</prfprocnt> <cate>뮤지컬</cate> <prfdtcnt>1301</prfdtcnt> <nmrsshr>34.3</nmrsshr> </prfst> <prfst> <nmrs>59185</nmrs> <amount>1343658000</amount> <amountshr>4.7</amountshr> <prfprocnt>406</prfprocnt> <cate>클래식</cate> <prfdtcnt>173</prfdtcnt> <nmrsshr>11.0</nmrsshr> </prfst> <prfst> <nmrs>12685</nmrs> <amount>328717000</amount> <amountshr>1.2</amountshr> <prfprocnt>19</prfprocnt> <cate>오페라</cate> <prfdtcnt>21</prfdtcnt> <nmrsshr>2.4</nmrsshr> </prfst> <prfst> <nmrs>29060</nmrs> <amount>846057950</amount> <amountshr>3.0</amountshr> <prfprocnt>73</prfprocnt> <cate>무용</cate> <prfdtcnt>76</prfdtcnt> <nmrsshr>5.4</nmrsshr> </prfst> <prfst> <nmrs>0</nmrs> <amount>0</amount> <amountshr>0</amountshr> <prfprocnt>0</prfprocnt> <cate>발레</cate> <prfdtcnt>0</prfdtcnt> <nmrsshr>0</nmrsshr> </prfst> <prfst> <nmrs>6059</nmrs> <amount>29290600</amount> <amountshr>0.1</amountshr> <prfprocnt>48</prfprocnt> <cate>국악</cate> <prfdtcnt>37</prfdtcnt> <nmrsshr>1.1</nmrsshr> </prfst> <prfst> <nmrs>167032</nmrs> <amount>15826981052</amount> <amountshr>55.9</amountshr> <prfprocnt>612</prfprocnt> <cate>콘서트</cate> <prfdtcnt>319</prfdtcnt> <nmrsshr>31.2</nmrsshr> </prfst> <prfst> <nmrs>7951</nmrs> <amount>27619700</amount> <amountshr>0.1</amountshr> <prfprocnt>54</prfprocnt> <cate>복합</cate> <prfdtcnt>29</prfdtcnt> <nmrsshr>1.5</nmrsshr> </prfst> </prfsts>(8) 별첨 : 작업을 위하여 본인이 직접 개발한 Python 소스코드 원본1. 공연예술 검색In [1]:import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests print("KOPIS 공연예술 통합전산망 웹크롤링\n") start_date=int(input(prompt="검색 시작일 ex)2019년11월1일 = 20191101: ")) end_date=int(input(prompt="검색 마감일 ex)2019년11월1일 = 20191101: ")) url='http://www.kopis.or.kr/openApi/restful/pblprfr?service=63001978c862427a9a2681445a158193&stdate={0}&eddate={1}&cpage=1&rows=10&signgucode=11&'.format(start_date,end_date) ##KOPIS 공연예술 통합전산망 웹크롤링 req=requests.get(url) html=req.text date_soup=BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') print("\n\n<해당기간 공연 제목 추출>\n\n") performance_name = date_soup.find_all('prfnm') for i in range(0,len(performance_name)): print(performance_name[i].text) ## 해당기간 공연 제목 추출KOPIS 공연예술 통합전산망 웹크롤링 검색 시작일 ex)2019년11월1일 = 20191101: 20191201 검색 마감일 ex)2019년11월1일 = 20191101: 20191231 <해당기간 공연 제목 추출> 재능과 함께하는 장일범의 클래식 & 재즈 크리스마스 공연 제4회 짧은연극전, 말하자면 사랑얘기, 다이나믹 영업3팀 Catch the Star The Debut Showcase Merry키몽스마스 익스페리멘탈 보이 (리딩) 멜랑쉬와 함께 하는 겨울향기 Soundberry Christmas Colde Love part 1 Vinyl Listening Session: Lovetalk 싸이킥 나는 쟌다르크 입니다In [2]:print("\n\n<해당기간 공연장 주소 추출>\n\n") performance_id=date_soup.find_all('mt20id') id_list=[] place_id=[] performance_place = '' for i in range(0,len(performance_id)): id_list.append(performance_id[i].text) for j in id_list: url="http://www.kopis.or.kr/openApi/restful/pblprfr/{}?service=63001978c862427a9a2681445a158193".format(j) req=requests.get(url) html=req.text id_soup=BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') performance_place = id_soup.find_all('mt10id') for i in range(0,len(performance_place)): ##공연장 상세정보 추출 place_id.append(performance_place[i].text) for j in place_id: url="http://www.kopis.or.kr/openApi/restful/prfplc/{}?service=63001978c862427a9a2681445a158193".format(j) req=requests.get(url) html=req.text place_soup=BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')## 공연시설 상세 place_address=[] for j in place_id: url="http://www.kopis.or.kr/openApi/restful/prfplc/{}?service=63001978c862427a9a2681445a158193".format(j) req=requests.get(url) html=req.text place_soup=BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')## 공연시설 상세 place_addr = place_soup.find_all('adres') for i in range(0,len(place_addr)): ##공연장 한글주소 추출 place_address.append(place_addr[i].text) place_address_new = list(set(place_address)) #중복제거 print(place_address_new)<해당기간 공연장 주소 추출> ['서울특별시 종로구 대학로3길 9 (연지동)', '서울특별시 종로구 창경궁로35길 29 (혜화동)', '서울특별시 강북구 도봉로76가길 55 (미아동)', '서울특별시 용산구 이태원로 246 (한남동)', '서울특별시 중구 을지로 170 (을지로4가)', '서울특별시 종로구 대학로12길 63 (동숭동)', '서울특별시 종로구 대학로12길 69 (동숭동)', '서울특별시 종로구 대학로3길 10 (효제동) 고운빌딩', '서울특별시 성동구 왕십리로 241 (행당동, 서울숲 더샵)', '서울특별시 마포구 양화로11길 54 (서교동)']In [4]:print("\n\n<해당기간 공연장 명칭 추출>\n\n") place_name=[] for j in place_id: url="http://www.kopis.or.kr/openApi/restful/prfplc/{}?service=63001978c862427a9a2681445a158193".format(j) req=requests.get(url) html=req.text place_soup=BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')## 공연시설 상세 place_nm = place_soup.find_all('fcltynm') for i in range(0,len(place_nm)): ##공연장 한글주소 추출 place_name.append(place_nm[i].text) place_name_new = list(set(place_name)) #중복제거 print(place_name_new)<해당기간 공연장 명칭 추출> ['푸르지오아트홀', 'CJ아지트 대학로 (구. SM아트홀)', '현대카드 언더스테이지', '라디오가가홀', 'JCC 아트센터', '더 씨어터', '소극장 혜화당(구. 까망소극장)', '가나의집열림홀', '성신여자대학교 운정그린캠퍼스 대강당', '엔터식스 메두사 아트홀']2. 공연장 지도 시각화In [5]:print("\n\n<해당기간 공연장 위도,경도 추출>\n\n") place_address_la=[] place_address_lo=[] for j in place_id: url="http://www.kopis.or.kr/openApi/restful/prfplc/{}?service=63001978c862427a9a2681445a158193".format(j) req=requests.get(url) html=req.text place_soup=BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')## 공연시설 상세 place_addr_la = place_soup.find_all('la') for i in range(0,len(place_addr_la)): ##공연장 한글주소 추출 place_address_la.append(place_addr_la[i].text) place_addr_lo = place_soup.find_all('lo') for i in range(0,len(place_addr_lo)): ##공연장 한글주소 추출 place_address_lo.append(place_addr_lo[i].text) place_address_new_la = list(set(place_address_la)) #중복제거 print(place_address_new_la) place_address_new_lo = list(set(place_address_lo)) #중복제거 print(place_address_new_lo) location=[] for i in range(0,len(place_address_new_la)): list=[place_address_new_la[i],place_address_new_lo[i]] location.append(list) print(location)<해당기간 공연장 위도,경도 추출> ['37.5661792', '37.5523013', '37.5916714', '37.5869508', '37.5365851', '37.5740036', '37.5738297', '37.5812279', '37.5549336', '37.5809629'] ['127.00164489999997', '127.00066620000007', '127.00172670000006', '127.0013212', '127.00394989999995', '127.0212424', '127.00391100000002', '126.9138334', '126.9973242', '127.03674269999999'] [['37.5661792', '127.00164489999997'], ['37.5523013', '127.00066620000007'], ['37.5916714', '127.00172670000006'], ['37.5869508', '127.0013212'], ['37.5365851', '127.00394989999995'], ['37.5740036', '127.0212424'], ['37.5738297', '127.00391100000002'], ['37.5812279', '126.9138334'], ['37.5549336', '126.9973242'], ['37.5809629', '127.03674269999999']]In [6]:print("\n\n<해당기간 공연명 추출>\n\n") print(place_name_new) performance_name = date_soup.find_all('prfnm') for i in range(0,len(performance_name)): print(performance_name[i].text)<해당기간 공연명 추출> ['푸르지오아트홀', 'CJ아지트 대학로 (구. SM아트홀)', '현대카드 언더스테이지', '라디오가가홀', 'JCC 아트센터', '더 씨어터', '소극장 혜화당(구. 까망소극장)', '가나의집열림홀', '성신여자대학교 운정그린캠퍼스 대강당', '엔터식스 메두사 아트홀'] 재능과 함께하는 장일범의 클래식 & 재즈 크리스마스 공연 제4회 짧은연극전, 말하자면 사랑얘기, 다이나믹 영업3팀 Catch the Star The Debut Showcase Merry키몽스마스 익스페리멘탈 보이 (리딩) 멜랑쉬와 함께 하는 겨울향기 Soundberry Christmas Colde Love part 1 Vinyl Listening Session: Lovetalk 싸이킥 나는 쟌다르크 입니다In [7]:import folium from IPython.display import display map = folium.Map( location=[37.5961951,127.0503553], ## 경희대쪽을 보여줌 zoom_start=10 ) folium.Marker( location=[37.5961951,127.0503553], popup='경희대학교 서울캠퍼스', ## 경희대를 좌표찍어줌 icon=folium.Icon(color='red',icon='star') ).add_to(map) feature_group = folium.FeatureGroup("Locations") for lat, lon, name in zip(place_address_new_la, place_address_new_lo, place_name_new): feature_group.add_child(folium.Marker(location=[lat,lon],popup=name)) map.add_child(feature_group) ## 공연명과 장소명이 같이나오게 해보자 display(map) map.save("공연장위치.html")
3. 텍스트 마이닝In [8]:from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests from konlpy.tag import Okt from collections import Counter from wordcloud import WordCloud import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import string command=str(input(prompt="워드클라우드 검색기: 1.공연 제목 2.공연 배우 3.공연 단체")) if (command=="1" or "공연제목" or"공연 제목"): STAGE=str(input(prompt="공연제목 관련 웹크롤링: ")) search_word = STAGE elif (command=="2" or "공연배우" or"공연 배우"): ACTOR=str(input(prompt="공연배우 관련 웹크롤링 : ")) search_word = ACTOR elif (command=="3" or "공연단체" or"공연 단체"): PERFORMANCE=str(input(prompt="공연단체 관련 웹크롤링: ")) search_word = PERFORMANCE # 검색어 지정 title_list = [] def get_titles(start_num, end_num): #start_num ~ end_num까지 크롤링 while 1: if start_num > end_num: break print(start_num) url = 'https://search.naver.com/search.naver?where=news&sm=tab_jum&query={}&start={}'.format(search_word,start_num) req = requests.get(url) # 정상적인 request 확인 if req.ok: html = req.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') # 뉴스제목 뽑아오기 titles = soup.select( 'ul.type01 > li > dl > dt > a' ) # list에 넣어준다 for title in titles: title_list.append(title['title']) start_num += 10 print(title_list) if __name__ == '__main__': #1~50번게시글 까지 크롤링 get_titles(1,50)워드클라우드 검색기: 1.공연 제목 2.공연 배우 3.공연 단체3 공연제목 관련 웹크롤링: 국립현대무용단 1 11 21 31 41 ["해설이 있는 '국립현대무용단-스윙' 군위서 공연", "국립현대무용단 '스윙' 군위서 공연한다", '마치 영화처럼 콘서트 온 것처럼…해설 있는 국립현대무용단 ‘스윙’', "[경북 문화공연] 한편의 영화와 같은 무대, 군위에 오다 '국립현대무용단 - 스윙'", '경북 군위군 … 한편의 영화와 같은 무대, 스윙 군위에 오다 “국립현대무용단 ·스윙”', '현대무용과 스윙재즈의 컬래버레이션', "국립현대무용단 '스윙' 수원SK아트리움에 온다", "국립현대무용단 어린이 창작무용 '루돌프' 공연", "광명문화재단, 오는 30일 국립현대무용단 '스윙' 공연", '루돌프는 원숭이? 국립현대무용단 어린이 무용 첫 선', "국립현대무용단, 어린이 무용 '루돌프' 공연", "'동해'를 '일본해'로 표기한 국립현대무용단 대국민사과", "국립현대무용단 '검은 돌: 모래의 기억' 내달 개막", "모래알처럼 자유롭게···국립현대무용단 '검은 돌: 모래의 기억'", '12월엔 발레만 있다? 아동이 보는 현대무용 ‘루돌프’', "국립현대무용단, 다음달 7일 수원SK아트리움서 '스윙' 공연", "[리뷰]국악과 현대무용의 새로운 얼굴 '검은 돌: 모래의 기억'", '국립현대무용단, 진주 온다', "광명문화재단, 국립현대무용단 '스윙' 공연 개최", '‘현대무용-전통음악’ 만남', "브라질 무대 오르는 국립현대무용단 신작 '검은 돌…'", "국립현대무용단 '스윙' 울산 무대 오른다", "국립현대무용단'스윙', 울산 무대", "국립현대무용단 '스윙' CJ토월극장 무대 오른다", "국립현대무용단 '라벨과 스트라빈스키' 진주 공연", '“공감하는 현대무용, 객석에 생기 돌아요”', "국립현대무용단 '라벨과 스트라빈스키' 공연", '창원서 만나요! 국립현대무용단 화제작', "[MHN 무용] 국립현대무용단 어린이 무용 '루돌프' 춤추는 원숭이 크리스마스 모험", '목포시 7월 문화가 있는 날에 국립현대무용단 댄스공연', '오페라에 발레·현대무용까지…아이와 즐기는 연말 공연 풍성', "국립현대무용단, 경쾌한 '스윙'으로 제주 나들이", "국립현대무용단-스웨덴 재즈밴드 '스윙' 제주공연 개최", '국립현대무용단 ‘스윙’ 광주 온다', '식물과 무용의 만남, 휴먼트로피즘 2019 공연, 28일 플랫폼엘 개최', '창원서 현대무용단 걸작 만난다', "[리뷰]삶에 리듬을 불어넣어주누나, 국립현대무용단 '스윙'", '안성수 국립현대무용단 예술감독 신작 올린다…검은 돌: 모래의 기억', '대구동구문화재단, 전미숙 무용단 `Talk to Igor 결혼, 그에게 말하다` 공연', "라이브로 '듣는' 국립현대무용단 '스윙'", "국립현대무용단 '스윙', 흥겨운 '스윙재즈' 매력에 빠져보는 시간", "'라이브 연주와 몸짓'…국립현대무용단 스윙 광주 공연", '국립현대무용단 라벨과 스트라빈스키 공연', "마르코스 모라우의 파격은?…국립현대무용단 신작 '쌍쌍'", "공연장을 스윙재즈클럽으로···국립현대무용단 '스윙'", "목포시, 국립현대무용단 댄스 '스윙' 공연", "해남군... 국립현대무용단 '스윙' 공연 개최", "평택시, 오는 30일 국립현대무용단 '혼합' 공연", "현대무용, 스윙재즈와 만나다…국립현대무용단 '스윙'", "'말 없는' 예술이 좋다, 발레·전시에 빠진 중년 남성들"]In [9]:from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests from konlpy.tag import Okt from collections import Counter from wordcloud import WordCloud import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import string okt = Okt() sentences_tag = [] #형태소 분석하여 리스트에 넣기 for sentence in title_list: morph = okt.pos(sentence) sentences_tag.append(morph) print(morph) print('-' * 30) print(sentences_tag) print('\n' * 3) noun_adj_list = [] #명사와 형용사만 구분하여 리스트에 넣기 for sentence1 in sentences_tag: for word, tag in sentence1: if tag in ['Noun', 'Adjective']: noun_adj_list.append(word) print(noun_adj_list) counts = Counter(noun_adj_list) tags = counts.most_common() print(tags) #wordCloud생성 #한글꺠지는 문제 해결하기위해 font_path 지정 wc = WordCloud(font_path='/Library/Fonts/NanumSquareB.ttf', background_color='white', width=800, height=600) cloud = wc.generate_from_frequencies(dict(tags)) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(cloud) plt.show()C:\Users\TFX255\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\jpype\_core.py:210: UserWarning: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deprecated: convertStrings was not specified when starting the JVM. The default behavior in JPype will be False starting in JPype 0.8. The recommended setting for new code is convertStrings=False. The legacy value of True was assumed for this session. If you are a user of an application that reported this warning, please file a ticket with the developer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """)[('해설', 'Noun'), ('이', 'Josa'), ('있는', 'Adjective'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('-', 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('군위', 'Noun'), ('서', 'Josa'), ('공연', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('군위', 'Noun'), ('서', 'Josa'), ('공연', 'Noun'), ('한', 'Josa'), ('다', 'Adverb')] ------------------------------ [('마치', 'Noun'), ('영화', 'Noun'), ('처럼', 'Josa'), ('콘서트', 'Noun'), ('온', 'Noun'), ('것', 'Noun'), ('처럼', 'Josa'), ('…', 'Punctuation'), ('해설', 'Noun'), ('있는', 'Adjective'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('‘', 'Foreign'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ('’', 'Punctuation')] ------------------------------ [('[', 'Punctuation'), ('경북', 'Noun'), ('문화', 'Noun'), ('공연', 'Noun'), (']', 'Punctuation'), ('한편', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('영화', 'Noun'), ('와', 'Josa'), ('같은', 'Adjective'), ('무대', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('군위', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('오다', 'Verb'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('-', 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation')] ------------------------------ [('경북', 'Noun'), ('군위군', 'Noun'), ('…', 'Punctuation'), ('한편', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('영화', 'Noun'), ('와', 'Josa'), ('같은', 'Adjective'), ('무대', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ('군위', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('오다', 'Verb'), ('“', 'Foreign'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('·', 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ('”', 'Foreign')] ------------------------------ [('현', 'Modifier'), ('대', 'Modifier'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ('과', 'Josa'), ('스윙재즈', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('컬래버레이션', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('수원', 'Noun'), ('SK', 'Alpha'), ('아트', 'Noun'), ('리움', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('온다', 'Verb')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('어린이', 'Noun'), ('창작', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('루돌프', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('광명', 'Noun'), ('문화재단', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('오는', 'Verb'), ('30일', 'Number'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('루돌프', 'Noun'), ('는', 'Josa'), ('원숭이', 'Noun'), ('?', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('어린이', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ('첫', 'Noun'), ('선', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('어린이', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('루돌프', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [("'", 'Punctuation'), ('동해', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('를', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('일본해', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('로', 'Noun'), ('표기', 'Noun'), ('한', 'Josa'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('대국민사과', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('검은', 'Adjective'), ('돌', 'Noun'), (':', 'Punctuation'), ('모래', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('기억', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('내달', 'Noun'), ('개막', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('모래알', 'Noun'), ('처럼', 'Josa'), ('자유롭게', 'Adjective'), ('···', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('검은', 'Adjective'), ('돌', 'Noun'), (':', 'Punctuation'), ('모래', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('기억', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation')] ------------------------------ [('12월', 'Number'), ('엔', 'Foreign'), ('발레', 'Noun'), ('만', 'Josa'), ('있다', 'Adjective'), ('?', 'Punctuation'), ('아동', 'Noun'), ('이', 'Josa'), ('보는', 'Verb'), ('현대', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ('‘', 'Foreign'), ('루돌프', 'Noun'), ('’', 'Punctuation')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('다음', 'Noun'), ('달', 'Noun'), ('7일', 'Number'), ('수원', 'Noun'), ('SK', 'Alpha'), ('아트', 'Noun'), ('리움', 'Noun'), ('서', 'Josa'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('[', 'Punctuation'), ('리뷰', 'Noun'), (']', 'Punctuation'), ('국악', 'Noun'), ('과', 'Josa'), ('현', 'Modifier'), ('대', 'Modifier'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('새로운', 'Adjective'), ('얼굴', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('검은', 'Adjective'), ('돌', 'Noun'), (':', 'Punctuation'), ('모래', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('기억', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('진주', 'Noun'), ('온다', 'Verb')] ------------------------------ [('광명', 'Noun'), ('문화재단', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun'), ('개최', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('‘', 'Foreign'), ('현대', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ('-', 'Punctuation'), ('전통음악', 'Noun'), ('’', 'Punctuation'), ('만남', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('브라질', 'Noun'), ('무대', 'Noun'), ('오르는', 'Verb'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('신작', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('검은', 'Adjective'), ('돌', 'Noun'), ("…'", 'Punctuation')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('울산', 'Noun'), ('무대', 'Noun'), ('오른다', 'Verb')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("',", 'Punctuation'), ('울산', 'Noun'), ('무대', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('CJ', 'Alpha'), ('토', 'Noun'), ('월극', 'Noun'), ('장', 'Suffix'), ('무대', 'Noun'), ('오른다', 'Verb')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('라벨', 'Noun'), ('과', 'Josa'), ('스트라빈스키', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('진주', 'Noun'), ('공연', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('“', 'Foreign'), ('공감', 'Noun'), ('하는', 'Verb'), ('현대', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('객석', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('생기', 'Noun'), ('돌아요', 'Verb'), ('”', 'Foreign')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('라벨', 'Noun'), ('과', 'Josa'), ('스트라빈스키', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('창원', 'Noun'), ('서', 'Josa'), ('만나요', 'Verb'), ('!', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('화', 'Noun'), ('제작', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('[', 'Punctuation'), ('MHN', 'Alpha'), ('무용', 'Noun'), (']', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('어린이', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('루돌프', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('춤추는', 'Verb'), ('원숭이', 'Noun'), ('크리스마스', 'Noun'), ('모험', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('목포시', 'Noun'), ('7월', 'Number'), ('문화', 'Noun'), ('가', 'Josa'), ('있는', 'Adjective'), ('날', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('댄스', 'Noun'), ('공연', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('오페라', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('발레', 'Noun'), ('·', 'Punctuation'), ('현', 'Modifier'), ('대', 'Modifier'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ('까지', 'Josa'), ('…', 'Punctuation'), ('아이', 'Noun'), ('와', 'Josa'), ('즐기는', 'Verb'), ('연말', 'Noun'), ('공연', 'Noun'), ('풍', 'Adverb'), ('성', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('경쾌한', 'Adjective'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('으로', 'Josa'), ('제주', 'Noun'), ('나들이', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('-', 'Punctuation'), ('스웨덴', 'Noun'), ('재즈', 'Noun'), ('밴드', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('제주', 'Noun'), ('공연', 'Noun'), ('개최', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('‘', 'Foreign'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ('’', 'Punctuation'), ('광주', 'Noun'), ('온다', 'Verb')] ------------------------------ [('식물', 'Noun'), ('과', 'Josa'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('만남', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('휴먼', 'Noun'), ('트로피', 'Noun'), ('즘', 'Noun'), ('2019', 'Number'), ('공연', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('28일', 'Number'), ('플랫폼', 'Noun'), ('엘', 'Josa'), ('개최', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('창원', 'Noun'), ('서', 'Josa'), ('현대', 'Noun'), ('무용단', 'Noun'), ('걸작', 'Noun'), ('만난다', 'Verb')] ------------------------------ [('[', 'Punctuation'), ('리뷰', 'Noun'), (']', 'Punctuation'), ('삶', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('리듬', 'Noun'), ('을', 'Josa'), ('불어', 'Noun'), ('넣어주', 'Verb'), ('누나', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation')] ------------------------------ [('안성수', 'Noun'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('예술', 'Noun'), ('감독', 'Noun'), ('신작', 'Noun'), ('올린다', 'Noun'), ('…', 'Punctuation'), ('검은', 'Adjective'), ('돌', 'Noun'), (':', 'Punctuation'), ('모래', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('기억', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('대', 'Modifier'), ('구', 'Modifier'), ('동', 'Modifier'), ('구', 'Modifier'), ('문화재단', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('전', 'Modifier'), ('미숙', 'Noun'), ('무용단', 'Noun'), ('`', 'Punctuation'), ('Talk', 'Alpha'), ('to', 'Alpha'), ('Igor', 'Alpha'), ('결혼', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('그', 'Noun'), ('에게', 'Josa'), ('말', 'Noun'), ('하다', 'Verb'), ('`', 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('라이브', 'Noun'), ('로', 'Josa'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('듣는', 'Verb'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("',", 'Punctuation'), ('흥겨운', 'Adjective'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙재즈', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('매력', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('빠져', 'Verb'), ('보는', 'Verb'), ('시간', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [("'", 'Punctuation'), ('라이브', 'Noun'), ('연주', 'Noun'), ('와', 'Josa'), ('몸짓', 'Noun'), ("'…", 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ('광주', 'Noun'), ('공연', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('라벨', 'Noun'), ('과', 'Josa'), ('스트라빈스키', 'Noun'), ('공연', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('마르코스', 'Noun'), ('모', 'Modifier'), ('라우', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('파격', 'Noun'), ('은', 'Josa'), ('?…', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('신작', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('쌍', 'Exclamation'), ('쌍', 'Exclamation'), ("'", 'Punctuation')] ------------------------------ [('공연장', 'Noun'), ('을', 'Josa'), ('스윙재즈', 'Noun'), ('클럽', 'Noun'), ('으로', 'Josa'), ('···', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation')] ------------------------------ [('목포시', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('댄스', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('해남군', 'Noun'), ('...', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun'), ('개최', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('평택시', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('오는', 'Verb'), ('30일', 'Number'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('혼합', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')] ------------------------------ [('현대', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('스윙재즈', 'Noun'), ('와', 'Josa'), ('만나다', 'Verb'), ('…', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation')] ------------------------------ [("'", 'Punctuation'), ('말', 'Noun'), ('없는', 'Adjective'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('예술', 'Noun'), ('이', 'Josa'), ('좋다', 'Adjective'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('발레', 'Noun'), ('·', 'Punctuation'), ('전시', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('빠진', 'Verb'), ('중년', 'Noun'), ('남성', 'Noun'), ('들', 'Suffix')] ------------------------------ [[('해설', 'Noun'), ('이', 'Josa'), ('있는', 'Adjective'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('-', 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('군위', 'Noun'), ('서', 'Josa'), ('공연', 'Noun')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('군위', 'Noun'), ('서', 'Josa'), ('공연', 'Noun'), ('한', 'Josa'), ('다', 'Adverb')], [('마치', 'Noun'), ('영화', 'Noun'), ('처럼', 'Josa'), ('콘서트', 'Noun'), ('온', 'Noun'), ('것', 'Noun'), ('처럼', 'Josa'), ('…', 'Punctuation'), ('해설', 'Noun'), ('있는', 'Adjective'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('‘', 'Foreign'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ('’', 'Punctuation')], [('[', 'Punctuation'), ('경북', 'Noun'), ('문화', 'Noun'), ('공연', 'Noun'), (']', 'Punctuation'), ('한편', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('영화', 'Noun'), ('와', 'Josa'), ('같은', 'Adjective'), ('무대', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('군위', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('오다', 'Verb'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('-', 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation')], [('경북', 'Noun'), ('군위군', 'Noun'), ('…', 'Punctuation'), ('한편', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('영화', 'Noun'), ('와', 'Josa'), ('같은', 'Adjective'), ('무대', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ('군위', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('오다', 'Verb'), ('“', 'Foreign'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('·', 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ('”', 'Foreign')], [('현', 'Modifier'), ('대', 'Modifier'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ('과', 'Josa'), ('스윙재즈', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('컬래버레이션', 'Noun')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('수원', 'Noun'), ('SK', 'Alpha'), ('아트', 'Noun'), ('리움', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('온다', 'Verb')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('어린이', 'Noun'), ('창작', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('루돌프', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')], [('광명', 'Noun'), ('문화재단', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('오는', 'Verb'), ('30일', 'Number'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')], [('루돌프', 'Noun'), ('는', 'Josa'), ('원숭이', 'Noun'), ('?', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('어린이', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ('첫', 'Noun'), ('선', 'Noun')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('어린이', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('루돌프', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')], [("'", 'Punctuation'), ('동해', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('를', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('일본해', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('로', 'Noun'), ('표기', 'Noun'), ('한', 'Josa'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('대국민사과', 'Noun')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('검은', 'Adjective'), ('돌', 'Noun'), (':', 'Punctuation'), ('모래', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('기억', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('내달', 'Noun'), ('개막', 'Noun')], [('모래알', 'Noun'), ('처럼', 'Josa'), ('자유롭게', 'Adjective'), ('···', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('검은', 'Adjective'), ('돌', 'Noun'), (':', 'Punctuation'), ('모래', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('기억', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation')], [('12월', 'Number'), ('엔', 'Foreign'), ('발레', 'Noun'), ('만', 'Josa'), ('있다', 'Adjective'), ('?', 'Punctuation'), ('아동', 'Noun'), ('이', 'Josa'), ('보는', 'Verb'), ('현대', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ('‘', 'Foreign'), ('루돌프', 'Noun'), ('’', 'Punctuation')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('다음', 'Noun'), ('달', 'Noun'), ('7일', 'Number'), ('수원', 'Noun'), ('SK', 'Alpha'), ('아트', 'Noun'), ('리움', 'Noun'), ('서', 'Josa'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')], [('[', 'Punctuation'), ('리뷰', 'Noun'), (']', 'Punctuation'), ('국악', 'Noun'), ('과', 'Josa'), ('현', 'Modifier'), ('대', 'Modifier'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('새로운', 'Adjective'), ('얼굴', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('검은', 'Adjective'), ('돌', 'Noun'), (':', 'Punctuation'), ('모래', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('기억', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('진주', 'Noun'), ('온다', 'Verb')], [('광명', 'Noun'), ('문화재단', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun'), ('개최', 'Noun')], [('‘', 'Foreign'), ('현대', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ('-', 'Punctuation'), ('전통음악', 'Noun'), ('’', 'Punctuation'), ('만남', 'Noun')], [('브라질', 'Noun'), ('무대', 'Noun'), ('오르는', 'Verb'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('신작', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('검은', 'Adjective'), ('돌', 'Noun'), ("…'", 'Punctuation')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('울산', 'Noun'), ('무대', 'Noun'), ('오른다', 'Verb')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("',", 'Punctuation'), ('울산', 'Noun'), ('무대', 'Noun')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('CJ', 'Alpha'), ('토', 'Noun'), ('월극', 'Noun'), ('장', 'Suffix'), ('무대', 'Noun'), ('오른다', 'Verb')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('라벨', 'Noun'), ('과', 'Josa'), ('스트라빈스키', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('진주', 'Noun'), ('공연', 'Noun')], [('“', 'Foreign'), ('공감', 'Noun'), ('하는', 'Verb'), ('현대', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('객석', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('생기', 'Noun'), ('돌아요', 'Verb'), ('”', 'Foreign')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('라벨', 'Noun'), ('과', 'Josa'), ('스트라빈스키', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')], [('창원', 'Noun'), ('서', 'Josa'), ('만나요', 'Verb'), ('!', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('화', 'Noun'), ('제작', 'Noun')], [('[', 'Punctuation'), ('MHN', 'Alpha'), ('무용', 'Noun'), (']', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('어린이', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('루돌프', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('춤추는', 'Verb'), ('원숭이', 'Noun'), ('크리스마스', 'Noun'), ('모험', 'Noun')], [('목포시', 'Noun'), ('7월', 'Number'), ('문화', 'Noun'), ('가', 'Josa'), ('있는', 'Adjective'), ('날', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('댄스', 'Noun'), ('공연', 'Noun')], [('오페라', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('발레', 'Noun'), ('·', 'Punctuation'), ('현', 'Modifier'), ('대', 'Modifier'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ('까지', 'Josa'), ('…', 'Punctuation'), ('아이', 'Noun'), ('와', 'Josa'), ('즐기는', 'Verb'), ('연말', 'Noun'), ('공연', 'Noun'), ('풍', 'Adverb'), ('성', 'Noun')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('경쾌한', 'Adjective'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('으로', 'Josa'), ('제주', 'Noun'), ('나들이', 'Noun')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('-', 'Punctuation'), ('스웨덴', 'Noun'), ('재즈', 'Noun'), ('밴드', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('제주', 'Noun'), ('공연', 'Noun'), ('개최', 'Noun')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('‘', 'Foreign'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ('’', 'Punctuation'), ('광주', 'Noun'), ('온다', 'Verb')], [('식물', 'Noun'), ('과', 'Josa'), ('무용', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('만남', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('휴먼', 'Noun'), ('트로피', 'Noun'), ('즘', 'Noun'), ('2019', 'Number'), ('공연', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('28일', 'Number'), ('플랫폼', 'Noun'), ('엘', 'Josa'), ('개최', 'Noun')], [('창원', 'Noun'), ('서', 'Josa'), ('현대', 'Noun'), ('무용단', 'Noun'), ('걸작', 'Noun'), ('만난다', 'Verb')], [('[', 'Punctuation'), ('리뷰', 'Noun'), (']', 'Punctuation'), ('삶', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('리듬', 'Noun'), ('을', 'Josa'), ('불어', 'Noun'), ('넣어주', 'Verb'), ('누나', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation')], [('안성수', 'Noun'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('예술', 'Noun'), ('감독', 'Noun'), ('신작', 'Noun'), ('올린다', 'Noun'), ('…', 'Punctuation'), ('검은', 'Adjective'), ('돌', 'Noun'), (':', 'Punctuation'), ('모래', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('기억', 'Noun')], [('대', 'Modifier'), ('구', 'Modifier'), ('동', 'Modifier'), ('구', 'Modifier'), ('문화재단', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('전', 'Modifier'), ('미숙', 'Noun'), ('무용단', 'Noun'), ('`', 'Punctuation'), ('Talk', 'Alpha'), ('to', 'Alpha'), ('Igor', 'Alpha'), ('결혼', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('그', 'Noun'), ('에게', 'Josa'), ('말', 'Noun'), ('하다', 'Verb'), ('`', 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')], [('라이브', 'Noun'), ('로', 'Josa'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('듣는', 'Verb'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("',", 'Punctuation'), ('흥겨운', 'Adjective'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙재즈', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('매력', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('빠져', 'Verb'), ('보는', 'Verb'), ('시간', 'Noun')], [("'", 'Punctuation'), ('라이브', 'Noun'), ('연주', 'Noun'), ('와', 'Josa'), ('몸짓', 'Noun'), ("'…", 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ('광주', 'Noun'), ('공연', 'Noun')], [('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('라벨', 'Noun'), ('과', 'Josa'), ('스트라빈스키', 'Noun'), ('공연', 'Noun')], [('마르코스', 'Noun'), ('모', 'Modifier'), ('라우', 'Noun'), ('의', 'Josa'), ('파격', 'Noun'), ('은', 'Josa'), ('?…', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('신작', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('쌍', 'Exclamation'), ('쌍', 'Exclamation'), ("'", 'Punctuation')], [('공연장', 'Noun'), ('을', 'Josa'), ('스윙재즈', 'Noun'), ('클럽', 'Noun'), ('으로', 'Josa'), ('···', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation')], [('목포시', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ('댄스', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')], [('해남군', 'Noun'), ('...', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun'), ('개최', 'Noun')], [('평택시', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('오는', 'Verb'), ('30일', 'Number'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('혼합', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('공연', 'Noun')], [('현대', 'Noun'), ('무용', 'Noun'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('스윙재즈', 'Noun'), ('와', 'Josa'), ('만나다', 'Verb'), ('…', 'Punctuation'), ('국립현대무용단', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('스윙', 'Noun'), ("'", 'Punctuation')], [("'", 'Punctuation'), ('말', 'Noun'), ('없는', 'Adjective'), ("'", 'Punctuation'), ('예술', 'Noun'), ('이', 'Josa'), ('좋다', 'Adjective'), (',', 'Punctuation'), ('발레', 'Noun'), ('·', 'Punctuation'), ('전시', 'Noun'), ('에', 'Josa'), ('빠진', 'Verb'), ('중년', 'Noun'), ('남성', 'Noun'), ('들', 'Suffix')]] ['해설', '있는', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '군위', '공연', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '군위', '공연', '마치', '영화', '콘서트', '온', '것', '해설', '있는', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '경북', '문화', '공연', '한편', '영화', '같은', '무대', '군위', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '경북', '군위군', '한편', '영화', '같은', '무대', '스윙', '군위', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '무용', '스윙재즈', '컬래버레이션', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '수원', '아트', '리움', '국립현대무용단', '어린이', '창작', '무용', '루돌프', '공연', '광명', '문화재단', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '공연', '루돌프', '원숭이', '국립현대무용단', '어린이', '무용', '첫', '선', '국립현대무용단', '어린이', '무용', '루돌프', '공연', '동해', '를', '일본해', '로', '표기', '국립현대무용단', '대국민사과', '국립현대무용단', '검은', '돌', '모래', '기억', '내달', '개막', '모래알', '자유롭게', '국립현대무용단', '검은', '돌', '모래', '기억', '발레', '있다', '아동', '현대', '무용', '루돌프', '국립현대무용단', '다음', '달', '수원', '아트', '리움', '스윙', '공연', '리뷰', '국악', '무용', '새로운', '얼굴', '검은', '돌', '모래', '기억', '국립현대무용단', '진주', '광명', '문화재단', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '공연', '개최', '현대', '무용', '전통음악', '만남', '브라질', '무대', '국립현대무용단', '신작', '검은', '돌', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '울산', '무대', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '울산', '무대', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '토', '월극', '무대', '국립현대무용단', '라벨', '스트라빈스키', '진주', '공연', '공감', '현대', '무용', '객석', '생기', '국립현대무용단', '라벨', '스트라빈스키', '공연', '창원', '국립현대무용단', '화', '제작', '무용', '국립현대무용단', '어린이', '무용', '루돌프', '원숭이', '크리스마스', '모험', '목포시', '문화', '있는', '날', '국립현대무용단', '댄스', '공연', '오페라', '발레', '무용', '아이', '연말', '공연', '성', '국립현대무용단', '경쾌한', '스윙', '제주', '나들이', '국립현대무용단', '스웨덴', '재즈', '밴드', '스윙', '제주', '공연', '개최', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '광주', '식물', '무용', '만남', '휴먼', '트로피', '즘', '공연', '플랫폼', '개최', '창원', '현대', '무용단', '걸작', '리뷰', '삶', '리듬', '불어', '누나', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '안성수', '국립현대무용단', '예술', '감독', '신작', '올린다', '검은', '돌', '모래', '기억', '문화재단', '미숙', '무용단', '결혼', '그', '말', '공연', '라이브', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '흥겨운', '스윙재즈', '매력', '시간', '라이브', '연주', '몸짓', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '광주', '공연', '국립현대무용단', '라벨', '스트라빈스키', '공연', '마르코스', '라우', '파격', '국립현대무용단', '신작', '공연장', '스윙재즈', '클럽', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '목포시', '국립현대무용단', '댄스', '스윙', '공연', '해남군', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '공연', '개최', '평택시', '국립현대무용단', '혼합', '공연', '현대', '무용', '스윙재즈', '국립현대무용단', '스윙', '말', '없는', '예술', '좋다', '발레', '전시', '중년', '남성'] [('국립현대무용단', 40), ('스윙', 24), ('공연', 20), ('무용', 13), ('무대', 6), ('루돌프', 5), ('검은', 5), ('돌', 5), ('현대', 5), ('군위', 4), ('스윙재즈', 4), ('어린이', 4), ('모래', 4), ('기억', 4), ('개최', 4), ('있는', 3), ('영화', 3), ('문화재단', 3), ('발레', 3), ('신작', 3), ('라벨', 3), ('스트라빈스키', 3), ('해설', 2), ('경북', 2), ('문화', 2), ('한편', 2), ('같은', 2), ('수원', 2), ('아트', 2), ('리움', 2), ('광명', 2), ('원숭이', 2), ('리뷰', 2), ('진주', 2), ('만남', 2), ('울산', 2), ('창원', 2), ('목포시', 2), ('댄스', 2), ('제주', 2), ('광주', 2), ('무용단', 2), ('예술', 2), ('말', 2), ('라이브', 2), ('마치', 1), ('콘서트', 1), ('온', 1), ('것', 1), ('군위군', 1), ('컬래버레이션', 1), ('창작', 1), ('첫', 1), ('선', 1), ('동해', 1), ('를', 1), ('일본해', 1), ('로', 1), ('표기', 1), ('대국민사과', 1), ('내달', 1), ('개막', 1), ('모래알', 1), ('자유롭게', 1), ('있다', 1), ('아동', 1), ('다음', 1), ('달', 1), ('국악', 1), ('새로운', 1), ('얼굴', 1), ('전통음악', 1), ('브라질', 1), ('토', 1), ('월극', 1), ('공감', 1), ('객석', 1), ('생기', 1), ('화', 1), ('제작', 1), ('크리스마스', 1), ('모험', 1), ('날', 1), ('오페라', 1), ('아이', 1), ('연말', 1), ('성', 1), ('경쾌한', 1), ('나들이', 1), ('스웨덴', 1), ('재즈', 1), ('밴드', 1), ('식물', 1), ('휴먼', 1), ('트로피', 1), ('즘', 1), ('플랫폼', 1), ('걸작', 1), ('삶', 1), ('리듬', 1), ('불어', 1), ('누나', 1), ('안성수', 1), ('감독', 1), ('올린다', 1), ('미숙', 1), ('결혼', 1), ('그', 1), ('흥겨운', 1), ('매력', 1), ('시간', 1), ('연주', 1), ('몸짓', 1), ('마르코스', 1), ('라우', 1), ('파격', 1), ('공연장', 1), ('클럽', 1), ('해남군', 1), ('평택시', 1), ('혼합', 1), ('없는', 1), ('좋다', 1), ('전시', 1), ('중년', 1), ('남성', 1)]
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